So this is christmas!!!


As John Lennon says ‘so this is Christmas and what have you done another year older and a new one just begun’ (bet you were signing that as you read it ha!! Me too)

Even though I know Christmas is in a few days it still doesn’t feel very chrismassy to me, even hearing Mariah Carey blasting out the radio - nope, putting my tree - nope, wrapping presents - nope, buying all the food (best time of the year for party food my favourtite ;)) - nope I don’t know if its the joys of getting older or being self employed and being a one woman band that it can be a bit harder as you don’t have a works night out, or colleagues to talk too to get you in the festive spirit. This is making me sound like a Bah hum bug!! I love Christmas and everything about it - songs, food, family time, food, decorations (tackier the better), food.

Crownpoint collective

Crownpoint collective

I always get really excited and a little sad at this time of year, excited to see what the new year will bring and sad looking back on the year I don’t know why as in business I have had a fantastic year maybe the wee sad bit is leaving crownpoint studios - yeah I’ll be sad to leave my workshop - but more about not seeing my workshop buddies everyday and having people who understand the trials and tribulations of running a small business, I know have made some great friendships with lots of collaborations happening next year, the other fantastic part of this is, we created the crownpoint collective and we had our first pop up market which was a great success we also raised £145 for the children’s hospital with our raffle. There will definitely be more pop ups happening so keep a look out for more popping up next year. As most business are closing down today for the festive period, a few from the collective are going for some Christmas cheer in their local so this might get me in the Christmas spirit or it might be the gin.

I would like to say MASSIVE thank you for all your custom, support, love and encouragement that make running this wee business a dream come true, excited and eternally grateful is an understatement of how I feel. Thank you.

All the best for for 2019 - Lang may yer lum reek

Jenny x


Its been a while

Hello!! It has been a while :) and omg!!! so much has been happening at turnstyle13 HQ.

If you follow my social media pages, you will have seen that I have taken the leap of faith and gone self employed eeekk!!. (its not fully sunk in yet) Its something that I've been wanting to do for a long time and life is to short not to take risks and go for it... So I did.

I've not been keeping this blog and website up to date so that's all going to change, with a weekly blog on whats been happening, up-dated furniture that will be for sale and new stock that will be getting a make-over by us or maybe you if you see something you like, new products added to the shop with an offer of 10% off when you sign up to our mailing list - this will be to keep you updated with our blog and the first to know of any offers or new furniture available to buy.

Footstools from the Drygate - Urbanmarket 20th Aug 2017

We have been busy over the past few months with quite a few jobs for our lovely customers, and we recently just did our first market in a while with our very own bespoke footstools, these will be getting added to our shop section for you to browse and buy, we are also considering starting up our own classes in making your own personalised footstools. You can let us know if that's something you might be interested in.


Jenny x