Hello!! It has been a while :) and omg!!! so much has been happening at turnstyle13 HQ.
If you follow my social media pages, you will have seen that I have taken the leap of faith and gone self employed eeekk!!. (its not fully sunk in yet) Its something that I've been wanting to do for a long time and life is to short not to take risks and go for it... So I did.
I've not been keeping this blog and website up to date so that's all going to change, with a weekly blog on whats been happening, up-dated furniture that will be for sale and new stock that will be getting a make-over by us or maybe you if you see something you like, new products added to the shop with an offer of 10% off when you sign up to our mailing list - this will be to keep you updated with our blog and the first to know of any offers or new furniture available to buy.
Footstools from the Drygate - Urbanmarket 20th Aug 2017
We have been busy over the past few months with quite a few jobs for our lovely customers, and we recently just did our first market in a while with our very own bespoke footstools, these will be getting added to our shop section for you to browse and buy, we are also considering starting up our own classes in making your own personalised footstools. You can let us know if that's something you might be interested in.
Jenny x