My name is Jenny Morrison owner of Turnstyle13 and I'm addicted to furniture : )
How Turnstyle13 came about...
I have had many different jobs - Customer Advisor, Bra fitter, Deli assistant, Cleaner and Bingo halls to name a few but could never really find the ideal job for me. Originally I trained as a joiner however this was not creative enough for me and after a brief spell studying music production I finally found my ideal course - furniture restoration. I immediately fell in love with furniture, fabric and finishings. Seeing the potential in an old, sometimes abandoned, piece of furniture I would get excited thinking about how I could restore or up-cycle that piece and find it a new home. Over the two year course, my passion continued to grow and now with my own company I feel content and found something that I love.
The name...
During my time at college I knew I wanted to start a business selling pieces that I had restored and up-cycled, as well as offering services of joinery, finishing techniques and upholstery. I needed a name that represented what I was doing but just couldn't settle on an idea. The name Turnstyle came to me as I was drifting off to sleep, when I woke Turnstyle kept going round in my head (no Pun), 2013 is when everything changed so 13 meant something to me..... TURNSTYLE13 was created. I love the name its different and bit quirky just like me.
Jenny x -