Well I decided to name this blog, the time has come as I’ve made some decisions on the way I want Turnstyle13 and Turnstyle13 designs to go.I’ve
I’ve started to update the website that has been getting slightly neglected. I removed our stock page a few weeks ago as I think I knew then the direction I wanted to go, and that was back.
Yip!! back sounds mad as you’re meant to move forward and up in business but I believe that’s what I am doing. In any business group I’ve been in they always asked Why Did you start? and What was your reason for starting a business?, and that’s why I’m going back to the start as my big why was finding beautiful furniture that was in auctions, charity shops, given to me or even rescued out a skip. Funnily growing up you would be called a midgey raker for that. So I guess I’m a professional midgey raker : ).
The love for furniture and seeing the potential in unloved pieces and turning them into colourful interiors for your home, is the reason I’m going back to the start.
I made the decision to stop taking on work and commissions from customers eeekkk!! I said it.
I wanted to go back to create our own beautiful furniture and interiors to sell. I have been very lucky and feel grateful to have some of the most amazing customers, but while working on their furniture I have been neglecting my own container of furniture that is in desperate need of having a makeover.
I’ve add a shop to our own website which I’m going to be adding more furniture to as well as some interiors for you to buy to add a little colour to your home, I’ll also be probably doing a few markets to show our furniture, which brings me on to something else…
Crownpoint studios are having their own first pop market and yes!! its a Christmas one its 8th & 9th December 10am - 4pm so if you looking to buy from small business and shop local then come check it out.
As I’m going back to the start this means giving up my workshop at Crownpoint. I’m sad to leave the building as its an interesting building, I have been really lucky to have met and built some amazing friendships that created a great creative community which I’ll always be part of.
Some might look at my choices as crazy as I’m giving up paid work to take a chance on selling my own furniture. But that’s ok as I know that this isn’t the end… Its only the beginning ; )
Until next time
Jenny x